Friday, December 30, 2011

North Korea vows no softening under its new leader

North Korea vows no softening under its new leader

PYONGYANG, North Korea (AP) â€" North Korea warned a universe Friday there would be no softening of a position toward South Korea's supervision after Kim Jong Il's genocide as Pyongyang strengthened his son and heir's management with a new title: Great Leader.

North Korea's absolute National Defense Commission conspicuous a republic would never understanding with South Korean President Lee Myung-bak, a regressive who stopped a no-strings-attached assist process toward a North in 2008.

The unrelenting summary also conspicuous North Korea was ordering around Kim Jong Un, referring to him for a initial time with a pretension Great Leader â€" formerly used for his father â€" in a transparent summary of continuity. It was a latest incremental step in a burgeoning celebrity cult around a son following a Dec. 17 genocide of Kim Jong Il.

The younger Kim on Thursday was conspicuous Supreme Leader of a statute party, troops and people during a large open entertainment on a final day of central anguish for his father.

The tip levels of supervision seem to have rallied around Kim Jong Un, who is in his late 20s, in a arise of his father's death. Still, given his unawareness and age, there are questions outward North Korea about his care of a republic intent in ethereal negotiations over a chief module and grappling with decades of mercantile hardship and ongoing food shortages.

"We announce gravely and quietly that a ridiculous politicians around a world, including a puppet organisation in South Korea, should not design any change from us," a National Defense Commission said. "We will never understanding with a hypocrite organisation of Lee Myung-bak."

In a warlike voice, a womanlike news anchor for state TV review a National Defense Commission statement, observant a "evil misdeeds" of a Lee administration reached a rise when it prevented South Koreans from visiting North Korea to compensate respects to Kim Jong Il, solely for dual delegations led by a former initial lady and a business leader, both of whose husbands had ties to North Korea.

North Korea had conspicuous unfamiliar central delegations would not be authorised during a wake yet that it would acquire any South Koreans who wanted to transport to compensate respects to Kim.

"Even yet we mislaid Kim Jong Il, we have a dear reputable Kim Jong Un," Kang Chol Bok, a 28-year-old officer of a Korean People's Internal Security Forces, told The Associated Press. "We will spin a surpassing grief into strength and courage."

In a newly expelled postage stamp, Kim Jong Un was featured alongside Kim Jong Il opposite a backdrop of dedicated Mount Paektu, a North's central Korean Central News Agency said. It seemed to be a initial time that a son has been featured on a postage stamp. North Korea has mostly decorated Kim Jong Il and his father, North Korean owner Kim Il Sung, together in central artwork.

The North's matter is a warning for Seoul not to take a new care lightly, conspicuous Koh Yu-hwan, a North Korea consultant during Seoul's Dongguk University.

"It is also lifting a stakes in box a South wants softened family so Pyongyang can remove larger concessions" during any after talks, Koh said. He combined that it's "too early to contend a North is hastily hopes for reforms."

While blustering a South's leader, a North also offering a bit of wish for softened ties with a South, observant it "will continue to pull tough toward a trail of softened relations."

But it combined that any softened ties won't be "based on a treacherous ploys South Korea is contracting by blending 'toughness' and 'flexibility.'" Seoul has signaled a change in a proceed toward Pyongyang in new months, observant it will be some-more stretchable in traffic with a North.

South Korea's Unification Ministry will say a North Korea process and not conflict to each matter out of Pyongyang, according to a method central who declined to be identified citing a attraction of a family between a countries.

U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta spoke by phone with his South Korean reflection and they concluded to keep tighten ties in a entrance months, Pentagon press secretary George Little said.

Panetta and South Korean Minister of Defense Kim Kwan-jin discussed a conditions on a Korean peninsula in a 20-minute call, Little conspicuous in a matter sent out late Thursday.

"The secretary and a apportion common a perspective that assent and fortitude on a Korean Peninsula is a overarching priority and concluded to say tighten team-work and coordination in a weeks and months ahead," Little said.

On Thursday, Kim Jong Un stood with his conduct bent during a Grand People's Study House, unaware Kim Il Sung Square, as mourners collected below. Top officials flanking him enclosed Kim Jong Il's younger sister, Kim Kyong Hui, and her husband, Jang Song Thaek, who are approaching to be mentors of their immature nephew.

"The father's devise is being implemented," Ralph Cossa, boss of Pacific Forum CSIS, a Hawaii-based consider tank, conspicuous of a energy transfer. "All of these guys have a vested seductiveness in a complement and a vested seductiveness in demonstrating stability. The final thing they wish to do is emanate havoc."

Titles are critical in North Korea and partial of a myth-building surrounding a Kim family legacy.

Kim Il Sung, a country's initial and usually president, retains a pretension Eternal President even after his death.

Kim Jong Il hold 3 categorical positions: authority of a National Defense Commission, ubiquitous secretary of a Workers' Party and autarchic commander of a Korean People's Army. According to a constitution, his position as authority of a National Defense Commission done him Supreme Leader of North Korea.

Kim Jong Un was done a four-star ubiquitous final year and allocated a clamp authority of a Central Military Commission of a Workers' Party. Since his father's death, North Korean officials and state media have given him a array of new titles: Great Successor, Supreme Leader and now Great Leader.


Associated Press writers Foster Klug, Scott McDonald and Sam Kim in Seoul, South Korea, and Pauline Jelinek in Washington contributed to this report. Follow AP's North Korea coverage during and

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