Friday, December 30, 2011

The 2011 Mysteries We're Still Thinking About

The 2011 Mysteries We're Still Thinking About

This was a good year for bad news, possibly you're a crime buff, a partner of disaster porn, or usually a run-of-the-mill gawker. The stories came quick and frequently, and many left a news cycle with sum un-reported or still unsolved. We're still meditative about those, and anticipating for follow-up in 2012. Here's a list of a best  unsolved mysteries.


What was in Haley Barbour's antithesis investigate file? According The Right Fights Back, a initial installment of Politico's e-book array about a 2012 election, a former Mississippi administrator was to bound in to a Republican presidential primary. He even forsaken twenty pounds in expectation of a designed bid. Then in late Apr he announced he wouldn't be a candidate. Why a reversal? According to authors Mike Allen and Evan Thomas, a proclamation came shortly after he was shown an antithesis investigate record that his advisers had started convention on their boss, a sincerely customary procession in a early stages of any campaign. It's still rather misleading what was in a file. Smith and Thomas contend that "flashing red lights enclosed unfamiliar clients of Barbour's lobbying shop," nonetheless they also left a doorway open to further, some-more carnal conjecture when they remarkable that "some of a element was so annoying that Barbour was briefed in private" by arch confidant Scott Reed.


What's going on with a Long Island sequence killer(s)? The hunt for a blank New Jersey sex workman named Shannan Gilbert brought investigators to a remote widen of seashore on a Long Island separator island where they started branch adult a bodies -- 10 in all. The bodies were clearly expected of deliberately -- wrapped in burlap, some of them dismembered. Just a integrate weeks ago, and dynamic she'd died incidentally when she ran into a engulf in a center of a night. So where does that leave a sequence killer? Last open investigators , , nonetheless many recently they've pronounced they trust it's . Who he is and how tighten military are to anticipating him, however, stays a mystery.


Who's that "mystery blonde" who accompanied Dominique Strauss-Kahn to his room a night before he was arrested? Lawyers for Nafissatou Diallo, a housekeeper who indicted Strauss-Kahn of intimately assaulting her when she went to purify his room on May 14 pronounced that on a night of a 13th, he . They consider if they can find her, she can yield some essential testimony to behind adult Diallo's polite lawsuit opposite a former International Monetary Fund director. Basically, if they can solve a problem of a blank blonde, attorneys wish they can infer their chronicle of what happened between Diallo and Strauss-Kahn. But a hunt is difficult. All they've told us is that they're flattering certain she's French or Belgium -- and there are a lot of blondes in those countries!


Who killed those kids in West Memphis? In August, a West Memphis Three sealed defence deals that pronounced they concurred there was justification to crook them of murdering 3 immature boys in a ritualistic murder. Then a 3 , all still insisting on their innocence. Officially, a box is closed. But as a points out, a prosecutor who would have re-tried a box feared he would "ass handed to him" if a box went to conference anew. So who did a killing? ? ? The man from ? It's expected we'll never know for sure. But somebody knows.


Why is John Edwards too ill to go on trial? Days before Christmas, a former presidential candidate's lawyers saying that Edwards "unexpectedly encountered a medical issue" and requested that a start date of his rapist conference be behind by 60 days. Speculating about a inlet of an undisclosed "medical issue" is never a best of ideas, nonetheless it's during slightest interesting that lawyers for a visibly healthy Edwards have already attempted to get a trial's start date pushed behind once before, and that a philandering son of a millworker to pierce in to his Chapel Hill compound. As if a cold lady like that would wish to live with a ill guy!

Who done Margaret a good movie? Director Kenneth Lonergan shot his unconditional follow-up to You Can Count On Me in 2005, and it sat on a shelf for a improved partial of a decade. There was authorised wrangling over a final cut, nonetheless a 6 year check between filming and recover is customarily a pointer that a film usually plain isn't unequivocally good. Yet Margaret has been a tack of tip 10 lists. Whether a credit belongs to Fox Searchlight, Lonergan or his messenger Martin Scorsese, who put together his possess cut of a fiim that Fox Searchlight has indicted of burying, is a indicate we consider we'll be conference debated in gossipy verbal histories for years to come.

Who was behind LulzSec anyway? There have been a of a group of hackers that terrorized databases (especially Sony's) over a summer. The many high-profile of them, Anonymous maestro Topiary (known to military and his relatives as Jake Davis), has been . But even nonetheless he allegedly wrote a hugely renouned , he didn't harmonise a mayhem. That charge fell to a murky figure who , and who has stubbornly eluded cops. Some to have identified Sabu as Hugo Carvalho, an IT veteran from Portugal, nonetheless Carvalho denied that and Sabu taunted them online for following fake leads. And military didn't punch either. Sabu's been still of late, and he (or she) good might outing out of memory though ever lifting his or her flesh-and-blood head.

What happened in a cockpit of Air France moody 447? After a moody information recorder and black box of a cursed Airbus 330 that crashed on a approach from Brazil to France were found this year, everybody hoped a poser of since it crashed would be solved. Investigators used a recorders to establish that a , and that . But adequate questions sojourn about a pilots' final actions that a poser stays distant from solved. Why did they omit case warnings? Why didn't a lead commander take a hang when they encountered trouble? Why did they continue to lift adult when they should have pushed a control hang brazen to benefit speed? Aviation experts have copiousness of theories, nonetheless no plain conclusions yet. And they might never strech one.

Just how most did Whitey Bulger transport during his 16 years on a lam? The fugitive Boston mobster told FBI agents after his that he done behind to Massachusetts "armed to a teeth" and would also censor off to Las Vegas to play a slots, that is tough to do when you're nearby a tip of a Most Wanted Fugitives List. According to a Boston Globe, Bulger's longtime messenger Catherine Greig told a crony that she and Whitey usually left their adopted home of Santa Monica once, on a outing to San Francisco some-more than a decade ago. The doubt of possibly Bulger unequivocally was creation adventurous jaunts home substantially won't be privileged adult anytime soon, given it's puzzled any of a people he visited will proffer that information. Bulger himself is 82 and in a early stages of Alzheimer's, that could make it tough for him to yield justification ancillary his purported trips even if he wanted to.

What happened with a St. Louis Cardinals bullpen phone in a World Series? The Cardinals finished adult defeating a Texas Rangers to win a World Series, nonetheless a memory of a team's in a eighth inning of persion 5 lingers, if usually since nothing of a parties concerned have offering a semi-plausible reason for how bullpen manager Derek Lilliquist misheard manager Tony La Russa twice and unsuccessful to get closer Jason Motte adult and throwing before to a pivotal during bat, forcing a group to hang with left-hander Marc Rzepczynski opposite Rangers catcher Mike Napoli, who soon socked a go-ahead two-run double. Sports Illustrated's Tom Verducci compared La Russa's to "being stranded in a enormous corn maze. Blindfolded. At midnight." Did Lilliquist unequivocally mishear his trainer twice? Did La Russa remove lane of a situation, as , and afterwards come adult with a inadequate bullpen phone story after a fact to censor a blunder? The fact St. Louis won a array substantially hurts a contingency of anyone entrance purify and explaining who accurately systematic what and when in a team's dugout.


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