Friday, December 30, 2011

Can't Afford to Fill up on Gas? Plan a Route with BikeWalkKC and Learn a Cheap, Easy Way to Get Around Town.

Can't Afford to Fill up on Gas? Plan a Route with BikeWalkKC and Learn a Cheap, Easy Way to Get Around Town.

BikeWalkKC has a giveaway category Jan 10, 2012 to make a float a best it can be. Plan Your Route can assistance draft a march to school, work, home and more. Plan a best cycling track that goes around hills, uses bike permitted streets and learn a best routes to take a bike on a bus. The free class is located during theTony Aguirre Community Center, 2050 West Pennway Terrace in Kansas City, MO. Map a invert with BikeWalkKC and learn a inexpensive easy approach to get around city and go green.

Kansas City, MO (PRWEB) Dec 29, 2011

Plan Your Route will take a commuter over a paper map and make a bike outing a best it can be. will assistance draft a march to and from anywhere in a metro area and with any multiple of travel modes. This category will learn a member to use bike maps, train and bike options and even use park and float areas.

Want to bike a whole way? BikeWalkKC will have bike maps and will assistance equivocate a rolling Kansas City hills. Want to train partial of a trip? BikeWalkKC will demeanour during a routes that come within biking stretch of your start and end -- this category will learn a member to use several form of transportation. BikeWalkKC staff will plead park and bike options for those who wish to expostulate partial of a outing and bike a rest.

Participants will leave a category with maps of their elite routes and a improved bargain how to use public transportation in a Kansas City region. All participants in a category will be entered into BikeWalkKC's where participants might record their miles regulating immature transportation, see their CO and calorie assets and contest for prizes. Participants who attend any of January's BikeWalkKC workshops will be entered to win a valued during $60!

BikeWalkKC's Director of Education, Eric Bunch states, "Public travel isn't good in a Kansas City region, though mix it with a bike and it is a discerning and healthy choice to get around town. This category will assistance equivocate a hills and make it easier and faster to get to all a places your wish to go."

This seminar will concentration on:

-Bike Route Maps

-Google Bike Trip Planner

-Bus maps

-Google Bus Trip Planner

Participants will leave a category with tough copies of maps with personalized routes!

This giveaway category runs Jan 10, 2012 from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. and a category is located during a , 2050 West Pennway Terrace in Kansas City, MO.

In serve to mapping your float we can serve raise your reserve by holding one of BikeWalkKCs This year BikeWalkKC has a preference of giveaway classes to assistance keep we protected while we ride. BikeWalkKC teaches classes on Staying Visible, Commuting by Bike, Confident City Cycling, Basic Bike Maintenance and we now have a event to ask a category to come to your work or village center. Make bike travelling a partial of your work wellness module or incorporate bike preparation into your after propagandize programs for youth.

BikeWalkKC is a one voice for active living, compelling a healthy, protected and permitted outside believe for all in a vibrant, intent community. BikeWalkKC is a member-supported classification that works to make Greater Kansas City a safer and some-more permitted place to walk, bicycle, live, work, and play. The advocacy programs work with internal cities to urge policies and build sidewalks, trails, crosswalks, bike lanes, and more. BikeWalkKC's preparation programs give people a believe and skills to travel and to bicycle safely and quietly for transportation, recreation, and fitness. Learn some-more during

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Sarah Shipley

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