Friday, December 16, 2011

Rihanna's "Talk That Talk" seesaws between romance, raunch

Rihanna's "Talk That Talk" seesaws between romance, raunch

LOS ANGELES ( - The allege word on Rihanna's new manuscript "Talk That Talk" was that it would be full of unwashed speak -- as in stark-raving smutty. That turns out to have been an overstatement: filth-ophilia unequivocally usually accounts for about a third of a record.

But, um, it's a noted third. "I wish we to be my sex slave," she sings in "Cockiness." "I can be your dominatrix ... She competence be a black of hearts, yet I'm gonna be a black of your physique parts." No surprise, that, entrance from a lady who already had a strike off her final manuscript called "S&M."

She gets to a indicate most faster in a one notation and 18 seconds of "Birthday Cake," that barrels by a set of not-quite-double entendres about beating and satirical baked products before America's swain only cuts to a follow by declaring, "I wish to f--- we right now."

How does she wish to? Let her count a ways: "On a bed, on a floor, on a couch," she sings, behaving as a arrange of amorous plcae director on "Watch N Learn" -- nonetheless this series competence be reduction about normal passionate association than a some-more modernized lessons that a male requires to physically prove a woman. "If we learn how," sings Rihanna, a perfectionist tutor, "I'll stay."

But don't take pided a sense that a manuscript is particularly about uncontrollable carnality. These decidedly raunchy numbers are bookended by honeyed songs about how Rihanna needs to find love, only like everybody else.

Having these dual sides to change ought to make her some-more engaging -- in theory. But if there's anything Rihanna's not about, it's complexity. Her songs are about possibly heart-breaking adore or couch-busting sex, yet never both, since a guys who write her songs have no vested seductiveness in creation that twain meet.

Regardless that side of a romance/raunch order we tumble on, we competence determine that a carnal songs on "Talk That Talk" kick a supportive ones hands-down. That's partly since her producer-writers seem some-more wild by sprucing adult bedroom romps with engaging electronic textures than they are in rote R&B/rock energy ballads.

And it's partly since Rihanna's affectless voice is improved matched to conveying "naughty" than a larger final of nice.

Early in a album, she does come adult with a integrate of pivotal singles that conduct to be fun and some-more or reduction family-friendly during a same time. On a Dr. Luke-co-produced "You Da One," Rihanna sings "I'm so happy that we came in my li-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-ife" with a same staccato, unmelismatic peculiarity that done "Umbrella-ella-ella" reason water. She's increased by a nifty arrangement that's median like her local neo-reggae before a kick kicks in with a cold kind of lurching electronica.

Also overwhelming is "We Found Love," that offers a proposal view ("We found adore in a destroyed place") that's all yet negated by a gimmicky electronic crescendos that frequently miscarry a tune. These are moments tailor-made to prompt a DJ to spin a disco round a small faster. But there's no destroyed place utterly like a dance floor, right?

After these early highlights, though, we mostly have your collect between a lust songs, that are ludicrously wanton yet deftly crafted, and a adore songs, that competence be some-more savoury yet bear no personal stamp.

One certain thing we can contend for certain about a manuscript is that it's reduction dim and some-more brash than a frequently meaningful "Rated R" and "Loud." The bar isn't a bad place to confront her, and a manuscript is during a low-pitched best when it sticks to dance music. But with Rihanna's standing as an idol and magnet for controversy, "fun" will always play second fiddle to what fans wish to plan onto her.

Many vicious essays have and will be created on how Rihanna is presenting herself as a feminist purpose indication in a arise of a Chris Brown scandal. Her final 3 albums, released fast and annually, have gotten increasingly intimately pithy and seem designed to benefaction her as someone who's in control, not a victim. You can frequency credit her of overplaying a disadvantage label to solicit to post-beating open sentiment.

But if we're not going to get a exposed Rihanna, we competence wish a Rihanna whose passionate charge is during slightest thought-out and personal, not only a product of a garland of unequivocally intelligent guys crafting her songs and image.

Unfortunately, ping into "Talk That Talk" (or Rihanna's not terribly engaging interviews and tweets), you'll be hard-pressed to find too most self-directed abyss to her fast emergent dominatrix side -- unless you're an overreaching stone critic. And/or really, unequivocally horny.

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