Friday, December 16, 2011

Mobile Beacon Educational Grant Donations Top $1,000,000 in 2011

Mobile Beacon Educational Grant Donations Top $1,000,000 in 2011


Thousands of laptops and 4G mobile inclination donated to schools opposite 50 markets

NORTH PROVIDENCE, R.I., Dec. 15, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Mobile Beacon (), a provider of affordable, high-speed 4G mobile Internet access, is announcing sum giveaway donations of some-more than $1,000,000 in 2011. The 4G use provider has achieved this miracle by a success of dual charity to schools, propagandize districts, and aloft preparation institutions in some-more than 50 cities opposite 23 states.

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The initial extend module allows adult to to be awarded to assistance schools offer disadvantaged students who competence not differently have entrance to these resources outward of school. In addition, as partial of a grant, Mobile Beacon provides total 4G mobile Internet use by Jun 2012 for any modem requested. After that, a extend target might continue a 4G use for a prosaic rate of $10/month. To date, some-more than 2,000 laptops have been awarded as good as some-more than 1,300 4G modems.

"Mobile Beacon is unapproachable to be means to yield these record resources to schools, that in turn, can yield them to a students who need them most," pronounced Katherine Messier, Director of Broadband Services. "Our extend recipients have common their successes with us and it continues to enthuse us to do more. For example, some schools are now providing entrance to students whose families have had their internet use close off, others who are now homeless, and students with long-term illnesses who can't attend classes."

The second extend is for a that runs on Mobile Beacon's 4G broadband service. This includes adult to 4 professional-grade confidence cameras, a preconfigured server, a server shelve and giveaway onsite designation and training services. Grants for some-more than 40 confidence systems have been awarded so distant this year.

"The confidence system, nonetheless a non-traditional use of broadband, can still play a essential purpose in a school's educational goal to encourage a protected training environment," pronounced Messier. "Many propagandize officials have told us that increasing confidence is a priority, though given a financial hardships of today's economy, it has been over their reach," she added.

Mobile Beacon skeleton to continue a concession programs in 2012. In sequence to request for a grant, an meddlesome propagandize or district should finish a on a preparation territory of Mobile Beacon's website and contention it along with a cover minute detailing how this specific module will be used to allege a educational mission.

About Mobile Beacon

Mobile Beacon is a colonize in charity fourth era (4G) mobile broadband services exclusively to preparation and nonprofit organizations opposite a United States. Mobile Beacon was combined by a 501(c)3 nonprofit classification that has some-more than 20 years knowledge portion a educational village and one of a largest inhabitant educational broadband use (EBS) providers in a country. Through an agreement with Clearwire, Mobile Beacon provides high-speed information services and mobile Internet entrance to educational and nonprofit organizations. Learn some-more during .

CONTACT: Katherine Messier of Mobile Beacon, 401-934-0500,

SOURCE Mobile Beacon


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