Thursday, December 29, 2011

New York Times sends email to millions by mistake

New York Times sends email to millions by mistake

(Reuters) - Some 8 million people perceived emails from the New York Times on Thursday charity a special bonus if they would recur their preference to cancel their subscriptions.

The difficulty is, a offer was ostensible to go to usually about 300 people who had motionless to stop holding home smoothness of a journal -- it was erroneously sent by a New York Times worker to some-more than 8 million people on an email selling list.

The disturbance illuminated adult amicable media sites such as Twitter and Facebook, sparking concerns that hackers competence have damaged into a newspaper's mechanism network to send out spam.

A mouthpiece for a journal blamed tellurian error, observant hackers were not concerned and confidence was not during fault.

"An email was sent progressing currently from The New York Times in error. This email should have been sent to a really tiny series of subscribers, though instead was sent to a immeasurable placement list done adult of people who had formerly supposing their email residence to The New York Times," a paper pronounced in a statement.

The email offering a 50 percent reduced rate for 16 weeks on home delivery.

The New York Times is owned by New York Times Co.

(Reporting By Paul Thomasch in New York and Jim Finkle in Boston; Editing by Steve Orlofsky, Phil Berlowitz)

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