Thursday, December 29, 2011

Digital Trends Best of 2011 Awards

Digital Trends Best of 2011 Awards

It’s never a bad year to soak adult new technology, though we’ll still go out on a prong and contend 2011 has been a quite good one for tool fiends. Sure, on a surface, 2011 lacked a many landmark product introductions that have altered a landscape of technology. A year like 2007 brought a initial , initial e-reader, and initial netbooks. Even a inscription series we’re experiencing now started behind in 2010. No, a final 12 months can’t lay explain to many new buzzwords, though 2011 will mount out as a year many of these technologies reached new degrees of performance, affordability, and practicality.

Smartphones now bond during 4G speeds, container dual-core processors, and run dual mature, entirely featured handling systems, with a third still brewing. have taken a successful pattern elements pioneered by a MacBook Air and done them some-more affordable. A series of manly  have given a iPad a run for a money, and low-price introductions like Amazon’s superb now sell for as low as $200. It’s a good time to be a geek.

With such a engorgement of prohibited silicon on a marketplace these days, we’ve dull adult a favorites in each difficulty to both demeanour behind during a inclination that tangible a year, and give credit where it’s due. We’ve seen it all. Here’s what takes a cake.












 Cell Phones (Dec. 29)


Tablets & eReaders (Dec. 30) 

This essay was creatively posted on

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