Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Simon Doonan dishes on French chicks straight men

NEW YORK (AP) Skinny French chicks and blimp true men. Lesbian stylish and a pell-mell state of style. Nothing and nobody escapes a gaydar of a fabulously floral

Simon Doonan

in his new book, "Gay Men Don't Get Fat."

The ex-creator of irritable window displays for


sum his entrance out impulse as a child of 10, reading a reporter's comment of happy group hooking adult in a North London park after dim ("Sign me up!").

He recounts his silly low pe into Christmas ornaments stashed in a White House storeroom by former initial ladies as he worked with

Michelle Obama

on her first-year holiday decor, usually to be upstaged by "those simpleton Salahis" of red sari, gate-crashing infamy.

The petite Doonan was artistic executive during Barneys for 25 years. After a reo rganization during a oppulance retailer, he's now artistic ambassador-at-large. But he's oh so many more: impertinent memoirist, provocative columnist and always waggish chronicler of his unequivocally gay, unequivocally fun New York City life with father

Jonathan Adler

, a potter and interior pattern expert, and their Norwich terrier Liberace.

When it comes to style, Doonan said, gays are a selected people. From conform to food, he sees

gay men

as a genuine enlightenment keepers over all those inspired females in Mireille Guiliano's "French Women Don't Get Fat."

"We gays have an radical universe view," he said. "We have a trenchant objectivity and confidant newness of a outsider.

French women

can't contest with us. We are not bourgeois. We possess a vulgar attract of a anti-bourgeoisie."

Here's some-more from Simon Doo nan:

AP: You're "one humorous happy nugget," as Chelsea Handler summed adult your book in a back-jacket blurb. Yet we contend a dictated assembly is true women. Do we true women need educating?

DOONAN: we wish to acquit a women of a universe and learn them to live with a stylish brag of we gays and diminutive gays like me. Being a lady has turn so difficult and pressurized. we wish to make it easier, or maybe usually some-more creative. Fashion and character should be about personal expression.

AP: Do we unequivocally fly coach?

DOONAN: I'm not partial of a 1 percent. I'm a overworked happy who is unapproachable to fly coach, though usually on brief flights. we also float a subway, and not in a Marie Antoinette kind of way. It unequivocally is a easiest proceed to get around.

AP: You used to do a windows during Barneys. Do we skip that?

DOONAN: we dressed windows for roughly 40 years. When we finally put down a glue gun final year it was something of a relief. Ditto a tack gun. However, we would rarely suggest a career in window arrangement to any budding fashionista. It's been good for me.

AP: You're 59. Do we feel during assent with a aging process?

DOONAN: we disgust a thought of flourishing aged gracefully. we entirely intend to grow aged eccentrically and dramatically. Brace yourselves! we have no emanate with wrinkles or lines. we consider people worry too many about that stuff. The many critical thing is to stay fit. My fave exercises are daub dancing and runway modeling.

AP: How would we conclude your proceed to garments and to life?

DOONAN: I'm a charismatic deviant with a freaky universe view. I'm dynamic to remove all a nuggets and nuances from my fanciful happy life and play them during a ubiquitous race with extensive force and gusto.

AP: You're a conform guru and your husband, Jonathan Adler, is a decorating guru. How do we determine your styles during home? Or is that because people have mixed dwellings?

DOONAN: When it comes to decorating a homes, my Jonny wears a pants. we wear an festooned Hungarian hobo dirndl skirt, metaphorically, of course. Seriously, we consider doing things by cabinet is a disaster. Even a cabinet of two, or 3 if we count a dog.
