Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Memory problems: Early dementia, Alzheimer's, or cholesterol drug side effects?

Memory problems: Early dementia, Alzheimer's, or cholesterol drug side effects?

Are we holding a drug to keep your cholesterol normal? It is a fact that over 11 million people take Statin drugs that embody Lipitor, Zocor, Pravachol, and Mevacor. These drugs are advertised as some of a many earnest drugs currently and for a future. However, they do have a dim side to them, one of that is not being explained to patients.

Memory loss, Compromised Cognitive Function, Confusion, and Disorientation: Side effects reported to a FDA though not being explained to many patients by their doctors. These reports are not singular though being available by a thousands. Why afterwards is it so tough to find this information on medical websites?

Conflicting Research: Initial investigate studies did not find memory problems to be a side effect. The problem with clinical studies is that they usually lane patients for a few weeks or months underneath tranquil circumstances. The dim side of these drugs mostly start months or years later. This is given so many drugs are taken off a marketplace several years later. This is given many medical websites do not list memory loss as a problem or a stress is downplayed. This is where a genuine misapplication is occurring. There are thousands of complaints involving memory and mental duty problems purebred from patients while holding Statin drugs. These complaints are purebred with AERS (Adverse Event Reporting System), a organisation of a FDA. Of these 5,000 reports collected by a commencement of 2008 on Statin drugs, memory problems were a second most-recorded complaint. Muscle pain was a first. Patients reported that their memory problems left when they dropped a drugs. These complaints are possibly being downplayed or abandoned completely.

Transient Global Amnesia Cases: What if we gifted finish detriment of your memory for hours or days? There has been several cases of this form of memory detriment in patients on Statin drugs. One of these patients was Duane Graveline, M.D., former NASA Astronaut, and USAF Flight Surgeon. He started holding Lipotor when his cholesterol shot up. Within a brief time period, he suffered an part of Transient Global Amnesia. His mother found him erratic around after a walk. He did not know who he was or know his possess house. After endless medical testing, they could find no answers. He dropped a drug on his possess given his doctors pronounced Lipitor could not be a cause. His memory returned to normal. At his subsequent physical, his doctors talked him into holding a lowered sip of a drug. Six weeks after it happened again and he suffered memory detriment for 12 hours. This time his memory detriment extended behind to all memories after high school. He was assured it was a Lipitor, so again stopped it on his own. This is a renowned alloy experiencing these symptoms who was excellent before holding a drug. He has had no part since. His doctors refused to listen to him with both episodes. He put adult both a website and wrote a book on Lipitor to make patients wakeful of these problems.

Dr Graveline afterwards motionless to see if his box was rare. His subsequent step was to hit Dr. Beatrice Colomb, who was streamer a investigate on Statins and memory detriment during a UCSD College of Medicine. He found out she had documented several cases of TGA in her study. The Peoples Pharmacy, a radio station, aired this information. Thousands of people called in to news serious memory loss, confusion, and disorientation while holding cholesterol drugs.

How do Statin drugs interrupt cognitive functions? According to Dr. Mercola, these drugs meddle with CoQ10 uptake by a mitochondria cells that are indispensable to furnish energy. Drugs revoke a CoQ10 in a cells by 50% in some cases. A scarcity of CoQ10 effects muscles and heart tissue. This is given Statin drugs are related to heart failure. One of CoQ10's categorical functions is in cognitive and haughtiness function. Statin drugs also impact a protein constructed by mind cells that outcome in neurofibrillary tangles in a brain. These neurofibrillary tangles are found in Alzheimers' patients.

Why are doctors except these studious reports? The initial problem is that physicians feel these drugs do some-more good than harm, so they are intentionally not revelation patients about these side effects or are downplaying them. Doctors mostly will not spend a time to have patients try a medicine health module first; it is most easier to allot a drug instead. When we initial met my husband, he had high cholesterol and blood pressure. His alloy wanted to allot drugs. we asked a alloy to let me try choice medicine with his health problems first. After 4 months, his weight came down and his blood vigour and cholesterol normalized. His alloy was tender and my father never indispensable medication. It takes time to grasp those health goal.

The second problem is some doctors are not even wakeful that memory detriment can be a side effect. Physicians are prepared by a drug salesmen who revisit their offices. They have no time to investigate these drugs on their possess time. The drug salesmen mostly downplay or slight to tell a medicine about side effects such as memory loss. Statin drugs make companies billions of dollars per year.

Do clinical studies support a efficacy of Statin drugs? Research studies have not shown that Statin drugs advantage women. In fact several studies have shown a opposite, that holding Lipitor increases women's risk for heart attacks by 10 percent. Patient reports seem to indicate out that memory problems might be some-more of a problem in womanlike patients. There is no investigate that shows Statin drugs forestall heart attacks in a aged or extend life. It is not surety in younger men, either, who usually have high cholesterol though no other health problems. The usually organisation of people who have been shown to advantage from cholesterol drugs are prime organisation in a high-risk organisation for deadly heart attacks.

Take assign of your possess healthcare: Drug companies and your alloy should give we finish information on these drugs. It should afterwards be your preference if we take them. If we are not given this knowledge, and memory problems do start after starting these drugs, how would we know to hit your physician? A series of patients were told they were building early dementia. It incited out to be a Statin drug they were taking. Since physicians are not informing patients of this vicious information, it is afterwards adult to we to do your possess research. Research all sites connected to these drugs, not only a categorical ones. Go to blogs where patients leave comments on their knowledge while holding these drugs. After questioning all of these sites, make your decision. Take assign of your possess medical decisions.


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