Monday, December 26, 2011

Evolutionary Medicine: Does reindeer have a circadian stop-watch instead of a clock?

Evolutionary Medicine: Does reindeer have a circadian stop-watch instead of a clock?

I creatively posted this on .

Whenever we review a paper from Karl-Arne Stokkan’s lab, and we have review any one of them, no matter how unenlightened a scientese denunciation we always start devising them regulating around a cold, dim Arctic, wielding huge moth nets, looking for and throwing reindeer (or ptarmigans, whichever animal a paper is about) to do their research.

If we was not so antithetic to cold, I’d consider this would be a best career in scholarship ever!

It is no warn that their latest paper â€" () â€" was widely lonesome by a media, both normal and blogs. See, for example, , , and .

Relevant, or customarily cool?


It is tough to find a scholarship story that is some-more apparently in a “that’s cool” category, as against to a “that’s relevant” category. For a credentials on this debate, greatfully review , , , , and a array of Colin’s interviews with , , , , , and .

I agree, it is a cold story. It is an attention-grabbing, nifty story about charismatic megafauna vital in a bizarre wilderness. we initial saw a work from a lab in a print eventuality during a discussion many years ago, and of all a posters we saw that day, it is a reindeer one that .

Yet, a poise of a story should not censor a fact that this investigate is also unequivocally applicable â€" both to a bargain of expansion and to tellurian medicine. Let me try to explain what they did and because that is many some-more critical than what a discerning peek during a headlines might suggest. we did it customarily part-way a few years ago when we blogged about one of their . But let me start with that progressing paper as background, for context.

Rhythms of Behavior

In their 2005 Nature paper (which was unequivocally customarily a little subset of a many longer, minute paper they published elsewhere a integrate of years later), Stokkan and colleagues used radiotelemetry to invariably guard activity of reindeer â€" when they snooze and when they ramble around foraging.

You should remember that adult in a Arctic a summer is radically one singular day that lasts several months, while a winter is a continual night that lasts several months. During these prolonged durations of consistent illumination, reindeer did not uncover rhythms in activity â€" they changed around and complacent in bouts and bursts, during roughly indeterminate times of “day”. Their circadian rhythms of duty were gone.

But, during brief durations of open and fall, during that there are 24-hour light-dark cycles of day and night, a reindeer (on a northern finish of a mainland Norway, nonetheless not a race vital even serve north on Svaldbard that remained arrhythmic throughout), showed daily rhythms of activity, suggesting that this class might possess a circadian clock.

Rhythms of Physiology

In a integrate of studies, including a latest one, a lab also looked into a physiological stroke â€" that of melatonin singularity and secretion by a pineal gland. Just as in activity rhythms, melatonin concentrations in a blood showed a daily (24-hour) stroke customarily during a brief durations of open and fall. Furthermore, in a latest paper, they kept 3 reindeer indoors for a integrate of days, in light-tight stalls, and unprotected them to 2.5-hour-long durations of dim during a normal light proviso of a day. Each such ‘dark pulse’ resulted in a pointy arise of blood melatonin, followed by customarily as sudden rejecting of melatonin as shortly as a lights went behind on.

reindeer melatonin

Rhythms of gene expression

Finally, in this latest paper, they also looked during a countenance of dual of a core time genes in fibroblasts kept in vitro (in a dish). Fibroblasts are junction hankie cells found all around a body, substantially taken out of reindeer by biopsy. In other mammals, e.g., in rodents, time genes continue to cycle with a circadian duration for a unequivocally prolonged time in a dish. Yet, a reindeer fibroblasts, after a integrate of unequivocally diseased oscillations that were roughly in a circadian range, unkempt into finish arrhytmicity â€" a cells were healthy, nonetheless their clocks were not ticking any more.

reindeer fibroblasts

What do these formula suggest?

There is something unlikely about a reindeer clock. It is not operative a same approach it does in other mammals complicated to date. For example, seals and humans vital in a Arctic have normal circadian rhythms of melatonin. Some other animals uncover . But in reindeer, rhythms in duty and melatonin can be seen customarily if a sourroundings is rhythmic as well. In consistent light conditions, it appears that a time is not working. But, is it? How do we know?

During a prolonged winter night and a prolonged summer day, a duty of reindeer is not totally random. It is in bouts that uncover some rule â€" these are with a duration many shorter than 24 hours. If a time is not operative in reindeer, i.e., if there is no time in this species, afterwards a ultradian rhythms would insist during open and tumble as well. Yet we see circadian rhythms during these seasons â€" there is an underlying time there that can be entrained to a 24-hour light-dark cycle.

This argues for a thought that a deer’s circadian clock, unless forced into synchrony by a 24 outmost cycle, undergoes something called frequency demultiplication. The thought is that a underlying mobile time runs with a 24-hour duration nonetheless that is sends signals downstream of a clock, triggering phenotypic (observable) events, several times during any cycle. The events start always during a same phases of a cycle, and are customarily duty any 12 or 8 or 6 or 4 or 3 or 2 or 1 hours â€" a pisors of 24 (not indispensably whole hours, e.g., 90minute bursts are also possible). Likewise, a time can trigger a eventuality customarily any other cycle, ensuing in a 48-hour duration of a understandable behavior.

If we forget for a impulse a embellishment of a time and consider instead of a , it is like a appliance plays a note G several times per cycle, always during a same moments during any cycle, nonetheless there is no need to extent any note to seem customarily once per cycle.

On a other hand, both a activity and melatonin rhythms seem to be driven directly by light and dim â€" like a stop-watch. In circadian parlance this is called an “hourglass clock” â€" an environmental trigger is indispensable to spin it over so it can start measuring time all over again. Dawn and eve seem to directly stop and start a behavioral activity, and dispute of dim stimulates while dispute of light inhibits secretion of melatonin. An “hourglass clock” is an impassioned instance of a circadian time with a unequivocally low amplitude.
While we mostly compensate courtesy to duration and phase, we should not forget that . Yes, . It determines how easy it is for a environmental evidence to reset a time to a new proviso â€" reduce a width of a clock, easier it is to shift. In a unequivocally low-amplitude oscillator, dispute of light (or dark) can now reset a time to Phase Zero and start timing all over again â€" an “hourglass” behavior.

a1 reindeer

The molecular investigate of a reindeer fibroblasts also suggests a low-amplitude time â€" there are a integrate of diseased oscillations to be seen before a stroke goes pided completely.

There might be other explanations for a celebrated data, e.g., masking (direct outcome of light on duty bypassing a clock) or relations coordination (weak and transitory entrainment) nonetheless let’s not get too bogged down in right now. For now, let’s contend that a reindeer , that it is a unequivocally low-amplitude time that entrains straightforwardly and immediately to light-dark cycles, while it fragments or demultiplies in prolonged durations of consistent conditions.

Why is this critical to a reindeer?

During prolonged night of a winter and a prolonged day of a summer it does not make clarity for a reindeer to act in 24-hour cycles. Their inner expostulate to do so, driven by a clock, should be captivated by a need to be stretchable â€" in such a oppressive environment, duty needs to be opportunistic â€" if there’s a predator in sight: pierce away. If there is food in steer â€" go get it. If we are full and there is no danger, this is a good time to take a nap. One approach to accomplish this is to de-couple a duty from a clock. The other plan is to have a time that is unequivocally approving to such opportunistic duty â€" a unequivocally low-amplitude clock.

But because have time during all?

Stokkan and colleagues highlight that a day-night cycles in open assistance reindeer , many importantly breeding. The calves/fawns should be innate when a continue is a nicest and a food many plentiful. The reindeer use those few weeks of open (and fall) to magnitude and so time their seasonality â€" or in other words, to reset their inner calendar: a circannual clock.

But, what does it all mean?

All of a above deals customarily with one of a dual hypotheses for a (and so ) of a circadian clock. This is a External Synchronization hypothesis. This means that it is adaptive for an mammal to be synchronized (in a biochemistry, physiology and behavior) with a outmost sourroundings â€" to snooze when it is protected to do so, to eat during times when it will be undisturbed, etc. In a box of reindeer, given there are no daily cycles in a sourroundings for a many of a year, there is no adaptive value in gripping a 24-hour stroke in behavior, so zero is observed. But given Arctic is rarely seasonal, and given a circadian clock, by daylength dimensions (photoperiodism) times anniversary events, a time is defended as an adaptive structure.

This is not so new â€" such things have been celebrated in cavern animals, as good as in .

What a paper does not residence is a other supposition â€" a Internal Synchronization supposition for a existence of a circadian time â€" to synchronize inner events. So a aim dungeon does not need to keep producing (and wasting energy) to furnish a hormone receptor solely during a time when a endocrine gland is secreting a hormone. It is a approach for a physique to temporally order potentially opposing physiological functions so those that need to coincide do so, and those that dispute with any other are distant in time â€" do not start simultaneously. In this hypothesis, a time is a . Even if there is no cycle in a sourroundings to adjust to, a time is a prerequisite and will be defended no matter what for this inner function, nonetheless a duration now need not be tighten to 24 hours any more.

What can be finished next?

Unfortunately, reindeer are not fruitflies or mice or rats. They are not involved (as distant as we know), nonetheless they are not easy to keep in a laboratory in vast numbers in ideal, tranquil conditions, for prolonged durations of time.


Out in a field, one is singular as to what one can do. The customarily outlay of a time that can be monitored long-term in a margin is sum locomotor activity. Yet, while easiest to do, this is substantially a of a workings of a clock. Behavior is too stretchable and malleable, too receptive to “masking” by approach effects of a sourroundings (e.g., weather, predators, etc,). And dimensions of customarily sum locomotor activity does not tell us that specific behaviors a animals are intent in.

It would be so good if a garland of reindeer could be brought into a lab and placed underneath tranquil lighting conditions for a year during a time. One could, first, guard several opposite specific behaviors. For example, if feeding, celebration and defecation are rhythmic, that would advise that a whole digestive complement is underneath circadian control: a stomach, liver, pancreas, intestine and all of their enzymes. Likewise with celebration and urination â€" they can be surreptitious indicators of a rhythmicity of a kidneys and a rest of a excretory system.

In a lab, one could also invariably guard some physiological parameters with simple, non-invasive techniques. One could, for instance , blood vigour and heart-rate, many some-more arguable markers of circadian output. One could also take some-more visit blood samples (these are vast animals, they can take it) and magnitude a whole engorgement of hormones along with melatonin, e.g., cortisol, thyroid hormones, progesterone, estrogen, testosterone, etc (also useful for measuring anniversary responses). One could magnitude metabolites in urine and feces and also benefit some discernment into rhythms of a inner biochemistry and physiology. All of that with no medicine and no annoy to a animals.

Then one can place reindeer in consistent dim and see if all these rhythms insist or spoil over time. Then one a - and so exam a width of a underlying oscillator (or do that with entrainment to T-cycles, if we have been clicking on links all along, you’ll know what I’m articulate about). One can exam their reproductive response to photoperiod this approach as well.

Finally, fibroblasts are marginal cells. One can't design a organisation to disintegrate out of reindeer to check a state of a master pacemaker itself. And in a box of such a damped circadian system, contrast a might not be unequivocally informative. Better fibroblasts than nothing, nonetheless there are vast caveats about regulating them.

Remember that a circadian complement is distributed , with any dungeon containing a molecular clock, nonetheless customarily a pacemaker cells in a suprachiasmatic iota are behaving as a network. In a circadian complement like a one in reindeer, where a complement is low-amplitude to start with, it is roughly approaching that marginal clocks taken out of a physique and removed in a plate will not be means to means rhythms for unequivocally long. Yet those same cells, while inside of a body, might be ideally rhythmic as a partial of a garb of all a physique cells, any promulgation entraining signals to a others any day, so a whole complement as a whole operative utterly good as a body-wide circadian clock. This can be monitored in real-time in transgenic mice, nonetheless a record to do that in reindeer is still some years away.

Finally, one could exam a supposition that a reindeer time undergoes anniversary changes in a classification during a molecular turn by comparing a opening of fibroblasts (and maybe some other marginal cells) taken out of animals during opposite times of year.

What’s adult with this being medically relevant?

But because is all this important? Why is work on mice not sufficient and one needs to compensate courtesy to a bizarre laboratory animal indication like reindeer?

First, distinct rodents, reindeer is a large, mostly diurnal animal. Just .

Second, reindeer routinely live in conditions that make people sick, nonetheless they sojourn customarily fine, appreciate you. How do they do that?

Even humans who don’t live above a Arctic Circle (or in a Antarctica), with both light and messing adult with a inner rhythms.

We have that are easy to get out of whack. We work night-shifts and rotating shifts and removing . Jet-lag is not desynchronization between a time and a environment, it is inner desynchronization between all a mobile clocks in a bodies.

In a state of roughly permanent jet-lag that many of us live in, a lot of things . We get sleeping disorders, eating disorders, obesity, compromised shield heading to , problems with , boost in , a , superiority of stomach ulcers and breast cancer , etc.

Why do we get all that and reindeer don’t? What is a pretence they developed to stay healthy in conditions that expostulate us violent and sick? Can we learn their trick, adopt it for a possess medical practice, and use it? Those are kinds of things that a rodent and a rodent can't yield answers to, nonetheless reindeer can. we can’t consider of another animal class that can do that for us. Which is because we am blissful that Stokkan and friends are chasing reindeer with huge moth nets opposite Arctic solitude in a dim of winter



Lu, W., Meng, Q., Tyler, N., Stokkan, K., & Loudon, A. (2010). A Circadian Clock Is Not Required in an Arctic Mammal Current Biology, 20 (6), 533-537 DOI:

Images: Reindeer sketch â€" ; Reindeer photos â€" ; graphs from a Lu et al. 2010.

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