Saturday, December 17, 2011

Christie's sees tepid modern art sale in Hong Kong

Christie's sees tepid modern art sale in Hong Kong

HONG KONG (Reuters) - Growing counsel among Asian buyers led to a temperate start for a autumn Hong Kong sales of tellurian auctioneers Christie's, that unsuccessful to sell all lots during a three-day booze sale and a contemporary art auction.

While a wine sales, that consisted of churned lots and a private single-owner sale, available a somewhat better-than-expected HK$64.70 million ($8.3 million), a muted formula in a initial dual days of a auction were unexpected, pronounced Christie's Head of Wine Sales, Charles Curtis.

"I did unequivocally design it to go better. we knew that Lafite was soothing and that it had struggled in my competitor's auctions in new months though we didn't comprehend a abyss of a problem," Curtis told Reuters.

Christie's Nov 25-30 sale is being closely eyed as a barometer of Asian direct for some of a world's many costly wine, art, watches and valuables during a time when tellurian oppulance firms are looking to rising markets such as China to equivalent flagging expansion in grown markets.

Specific booze lots including 14 bottles of Chateau Haut-Brion and an oil lot from Chinese painter Zao Wou-ki were among equipment attracting a tip bids during a auction.

But in sum usually 84 percent of a booze lots were sold, and 74 percent of lots sole from a dusk auction for Asian 20th Century and Contemporary art.


The six-day Christie's sales underline ceramic works including an underglaze copper-red and blue 'mallet' vase, approaching to sell for adult to $2.58 million, and a span of F Flawless Type IIA turn brilliant-cut diamonds approaching to sell for adult to $9 million on Tuesday.

Appetite and purchasing energy for a world's many costly wines stays strong, though buyers were increasingly looking to find discount prices rather than compensate tip dollar, Curtis said.

"Buyers are being discreet and they are savvy now. The people who are unequivocally into it and are building large collections, they don't wish to overpay. They are not observant we wish this booze during any price. They wish a right booze during a right price."

In October, during opposition auction residence Sotheby's autumn sales hold in Hong Kong, buyers upheld adult lots of Chateau Lafite 2001, selecting to concentration on Burgundy wines. Demand for Lafite has been some-more resigned in new months due concerns it has turn too common and fears over calculated booze grow pronounced attention experts.

Chinese buyers had rushed uncontrolled into Lafite over a past year, promulgation prices skyrocketing. At Christie's Sep Hong Kong booze auction, a singular lot of 300 bottles of Chateau Lafite Rothschild was sole for $539,280 to an unknown Chinese phone bidder.

At Christie's stream auction, Burgundy was a splendid spot, with a 12-bottle lot of Romanee-Conti-Vintage 1985 sole for HK$1.2 million, tighten to a tip finish of a pre-sale guess of HK$1.3 million.

Italian wines were also all sole above their estimates, pronounced Curtis, signaling buyers were perplexing to variegate their portfolios.

Wine buyers were mostly from Hong Kong, followed by China, Singapore and Taiwan. Wine direct in Hong Kong has remained clever notwithstanding tellurian mercantile uncertainty, underscoring a financial city's certification as a distinguished booze heart due to clever direct from mainland Chinese buyers.

Since 2008, when a former British cluster scrapped booze duties from 40 percent to zero, booze imports have roughly quadrupled to $898 million in 2010 with a proliferation of booze merchants, auctioneers, distributors and storage cellars.


Sentiment was also churned during Christie's sale of Asian 20th Century and Contemporary art on Saturday night and Sunday.

Although a sale racked adult a total HK$705 million, violence a pre-sale guess of HK$540 million, pivotal works by Chinese artists Zeng Fangzhi and Zhang Xiaogang went unsold during a auction.

However, Eric Chang, International Director of Christie's Asian 20th Century and Contemporary Art Department told Reuters that after-sales activity had been clever with Zhang Xiaogang's "Bloodline Big Family No.9" mural sole immediately after a auction strictly closed.

"The marketplace is really discreet though we did have a lot of after sales right after a auction yesterday. Some are still ongoing. Estimates were too high and recently a marketplace has had really high expectations," Chang said.

Certain lots such as Chinese painter Zao Wou-ki's oil "Cerf volant et oiseaux" that was sole for HK$35.38 million, some-more than double a presale high guess of HK$15 million, increased a altogether sales result.

Total sales from a autumn and open auction of Christie' Asian 20th Century and Contemporary Art this year have reached

HK$1.52 billion - a largest ever achieved during Christie's.

(Editing by Charlie Zhu and Paul Casciato)

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