Saturday, December 31, 2011

4D Launches Wakanda Public Beta

4D Launches Wakanda Public Beta

Free Open Source Development Platform to rise & muster HTML5 Web and Mobile Business Applications.

San Jose, California (PRWEB) Dec 22, 2011

4D Incorporated currently announced open beta, a giveaway end-to-end open source business application growth height to emanate business applications for a Web, a Cloud and mobile platforms wholly in HTML5 and JavaScript. Wakanda is a absolute development record for building information centric business Internet applications. It increases developer productivity, integrates with formidable craving environments and delivers abounding and interactive practice for users.

"The multiple of a renouned programming denunciation such as JavaScript for expressing proof for both customer and server code, with an integrated, end-to-end horizon for building complicated business applications, yield a singular new angle for business focus developers “ Said Al Hilwa, Program Director for IDC's Application Development Software research. Such multiple will compensate pidends in terms of reduced training time, softened developer capability and altogether focus execution time."

“With a Wakanda growth platform, developers of business web applications can now suffer a morality of a entirely integrated framework, datastore and server.” Said Laurent Ribardiere, Wakanda creator and CTO during 4D. “Developers no longer need to collect and glue apart pieces distinct for an Ajax/PHP/MySQL/Apache solution”

Solutions grown with Wakanda run consistently opposite handling systems and devices. As a result, developers and IT professionals have an easier trail for formulating abounding user practice for their craving applications and to confederate opposite their existent technologies.

Wakanda is good matched to rise information centric applications such as CRM, financial, and medical applications as good as many other form of departmental and craving applications for that information correctness is of a ultimate importance.

Wakanda is accessible to anyone who wants to develop, muster and conduct database applications fast. The integrated sourroundings is designed for veteran developers operative with deadlines and for businesses looking to benefit a rival advantage by delivering their applications to marketplace faster.

"As a module growth consulting company, time to marketplace is intensely critical to us" Said David Ringsmuth, CTO, Business Brothers Software. "After exam pushing Wakanda, we appreciated a novel design that creates data-driven web focus development easy, and lowers long-term upkeep cost. One set of collection and one singular customary denunciation to module an whole smoke-stack of Web technologies is a time saver for a team"

"Wakanda irritated a seductiveness with a singular full smoke-stack integrated resolution and usually JavaScript to module a client, a database and a server." Said Ale Gicqueau CEO of Clinovo. "We are operative with tip pharmaceutical, biotech and medical device companies for that faster time to market, information correctness and palliate of focus upkeep are pivotal requirements. Wakanda has a intensity to broach all that."

During a open beta period, 4D will appeal Wakanda user feedback on product facilities and functionality, that will continue to develop over time.

Wakanda in a cloud.

Wakanda applications can be deployed over a cloud (IaaS, Paas). It is entirely optimized for straight scalability (multi-threaded, preemptive, thread-safe) in sequence to broach opening with information trustworthiness and consistency.

Highlights of a new version:

Free, Open Source, and Available Now

Wakanda beta is accessible now for giveaway during . Wakanda Server is accessible for Mac OS X 10.6 (64-bit) or above, Windows Vista or above/Windows Server 2008 or above, Linux Ubuntu placement 10.4 or 10.10 or above - 1GB RAM (2GB recommended). Wakanda Studio is accessible for Mac OS X 10.6 or above, Windows Vista or above - 1GB RAM (2GB recommended). The upheld browsers are: Safari 5, Firefox 4, Chrome 11, IE 9.

Free Webinar

“Introduction to Wakanda”, Jan 5th, 9AM PST - A discerning introduction to Wakanda with a product demo, followed with a 15-minute Q&A session. , space is limited.

IDC Whitepaper

“Wakanda: Blending Traditional Developer Productivity with Modern Web Architecture and Standards”

About 4D, Inc.

A tellurian personality in business module growth solutions for over 25 years, 4D provides integrated platforms that facilitate and speed adult a growth and deployment of Web, Mobile, Desktop, and Client-Server Business Applications. 4D solutions and growth collection are used in some-more than 70 countries, count millions of finish users and over 10,000 Independent Software Vendors (ISVs). 4D is located in San Jose, California. For some-more information, greatfully revisit or call 1-408-557-4600.

Press Contacts:

Michel Gerin

4D, Inc.

(408) 557-4600



Michel Gerin

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