by Hirts: Pepper Plants
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(see full specs Hot New Releases in Patio, Lawn & Garden list for authoritative Suggestions for successful search on Bhut Jolokia Chile Pepper 4 Plants - Ghost Pepper - World's Hottest Chile Pepper. Offers a single source on garden..)
Product Description
d="productDetails">Product Details
- Amazon Sales Rank: #1067 in Lawn & Patio
- Brand: Hirts: Pepper Plants
- Released on: 2012-03-01
- This is a "Pre-Order". Shipping starts on Mar 1st! Disregard a initial shipping email if purchased before your shipping date. A tracking series will quit to your comment when a plants indeed ship.
- Bhut Jolokia, during 1,001,304 Scoville Heat Units (SHU), is scarcely twice as prohibited as Red Savina, a chile peppers accumulation it replaces as a universe s hottest
- Caution: The fruits of this chile accumulation are intensely hot
- It is suggested to wear gloves when doing a peppers, keep them divided from children, and entirely purify all kitchen utensils like slicing boards, knives etc
- When harsh dusty Jolokias, wear a respirating mask,and strengthen your eyes
Customer Reviews
Most useful patron reviews
13 of 13 people found a following examination helpful.
not bhut jolokia...
By Roger
If we wish jolokias, dont buy from this seller. we bought 4 plants that were ostensible to be bhut jolokia, though finished adult being red habaneros. The plants arrived in good condition, though i was so dissapointed when they started to mature and i saw that they were in fact habaneros. So if we wish bhut jolokias, you'll have to buy from someone else...
11 of 11 people found a following examination helpful.
Hirts garden
By david s schwartz
The Bhut Jolokia chile plants i systematic and recieved, grew into unchanging orange habenaro plants,they don,t demeanour anything like a bhut chile, they are brief tiny peppers. they possibly sent a wrong plants, or are only a ripp off, i emailed them about it, so distant no response. .***I did recive a reinstate from a company, to be satisfactory flattering quick refund..
9 of 9 people found a following examination helpful.
They sent me habaneros instead -- a standard scam
By Michael North
Last march, fast after my sequence was placed, we perceived 4 plants in a mail, in good condition, clearly labeled as "Bhut Jolokia". To their credit, a plants were packaged good and arrived healthy.
When we started removing fruits, we beheld that they looked intensely identical to a many varieties of habanero peppers I'm already growing. Since we have never grown Jolokias before, we motionless to wait and see what happened instead of jumping to conclusions. Now we am removing mature fruits, and they are clearly only some red/orange habanero variety. You'd be out of your mind to compensate spook peppers prices for habanero plants.
If we demeanour around online, we will find that this is a common occurrence, that is because we do not trust removing a mislabeled plant is an honest mistake.